Deep Learning Books & Materials
Deep Learning Books & Materials
- Deep Learning is a subfield of machine learning concerned with algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain called artificial neural networks
- The scalability of neural networks is key factor indicating the importance of Deep Learning (with more data and larger models, that in turn require more computation to train)
- In addition to scalability, another often cited benefit of deep learning models is their ability to perform automatic feature extraction from raw data, also called feature learning.
Books & Materials:
- Neural Networks Intro
- Neural_Network and Deep_Learning
- Deep Learning Methods and Applications
- Deeplearning_notes
- Dive into Deep Learning
- DL Notes from Andrew Ng Course
- Machine Learning Neural and Statistical Classification
- Deep Learning Tutorial with Python
- AutoEncoders
- CNN_Cheatsheet
- RNN_cheatsheet
- Keras_Cheat_Sheet_Python_1
- Keras_Cheat_Sheet_Python_2
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