
Showing posts from October, 2020

Project Management Fundamentals - Six Sigma

 Six Sigma Basics PDF: SPC Made Easy: Referenced from Qi Macros

Machine Learning - Books & Materials

 Machine Learning - Books & Materials Why does it matter? With industry 4.0 transformation domain knowledge along with machine learning skills will present a killer combination What is Machine Learning? If you search internet you will end up getting hundreds of courses, mathematical theorems or hi-fi corporate jargons and stories about artificial intelligence, fascinating data science and dream jobs of future Say you want to get a phone. Years back you might have visited a store compared the specifications, price, color etc. and spent hours before making a decision. However now while enjoying the comfort of your home you give some inputs like budget, OS, camera etc. and you see the results on internet. The field of study with one goal of turning data to intelligent action or predictions is known as “Machine Learning” Free ML Books:- ML for beginners Machine Learning For Dummies ML Intro ML By Andrew NG Math for ML Pandas_1 Introduction to Machine Learning with Python Machine le...

ML - Part 9 - Advanced Regression

Machine Learning - Part 9 Advanced Regression PDF: Video:  

Deep Learning - Part 1

 Deep Learning - Part 1 What will you learn? What is Artificial Neuron? How does it work What is math behind an articifical neuron? PDF: Video:

Data Storytelling - Part 4

 Data Storytelling - Part 4 Data Storytelling is an compelling narrative crafted around and anchored by compelling data Data is nothing but numbers and characters until it is transformed to a story Lets see an industry use case of data story telling Video: PDF:

Data Science Use Case - Manufacturing Industry_P3

   Data Science Industry Use Case - P3 Data Science for Corrosion PDF: VIDEO:

Deep Learning Books & Materials

Deep Learning Books & Materials   Deep Learning is a subfield of machine learning concerned with algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain called artificial neural networks The scalability of neural networks is key factor indicating the importance of Deep Learning (with more data and larger models, that in turn require more computation to train) In addition to scalability, another often cited benefit of deep learning models is their ability to perform automatic feature extraction from raw data, also called feature learning. Books & Materials: Neural Networks Intro Neural_Network and Deep_Learning Deep Learning Methods and Applications Deeplearning_notes Dive into Deep Learning DL Notes from Andrew Ng Course Machine Learning Neural and Statistical Classification Deep Learning Tutorial with Python AutoEncoders CNN_Cheatsheet RNN_cheatsheet Keras_Cheat_Sheet_Python_1 Keras_Cheat_Sheet_Python_2 Google Drive Link

Data Science Use Case - Water Industry_P1

 Data Science Industry Use Case - P1 Data Science for Water