
Showing posts from May, 2020

Bite Sized Learning - Auto EDA

Auto EDA using Pandas-Profiling & QuickDA  New to coding... Tired of writing lines of codes to explore data...worry is something exciting to minize the codes but maximize the outcome If you are using NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn library etc. you might have extensively used several functions to explore the data and clean/prepare the data for modelling. However with advancement in data science field and new libraries getting introduced everyday data exploration or Explorartory Data Analysis (EDA) has become much easier. We will see two magical packages Pandas-profling and QuickDA through which you can automatically do EDA with minial coding Refer to this link to view the sample Jupyter Notebook - Auto EDA

COVID19 - India Analysis & Forecast

COVID19 - India Analysis & Forecast Forecast for India: Purely academic For Detailed EDA and ML Predictions - Click Here Summary: Global Countries or economies which open with a delay (smart/data driven) might bounce back fast Economies which open sooner might boom for a while but will face the wrath of second wave of COVID19 Second wave can adversely affect the economy as well as the population/skillsets Possibly might end up in L-shaped economic recovery Recession Shapes India Based on the predictions of logistic and parametric curve fitting models India might reach the plateau somewhere between end of June to mid July These predictions are based on data collected on data and can change based on government policies and actions Strict social distancing will help lower the transmission and help recover the economy in a healthy manner Few possible developments during/post COVID19 Health monitoring devices for people of all economic background Remo...

Bite Sized Learning - Data Visualization Basics in Python - Seaborn

Bite Sized Learning - Data Visualization Basics in Python - Seaborn Data visualization is the graphical representation of data. It helps to understand complex relationship between data by simplying it. Visuals bring the hidden meaning and insights of data. Seaborn is a Python data visualization library based on matplotlib It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive and informative statistical graphics Click below link to see sample codes Seaborn Seaborn cheatsheet by Datacamp

Bite Sized Learning - Data Visualization Basics in Python - Matplotlib

Data Visualization Basics in Python - Matplotlib Data visualization is the graphical representation of data. It helps to understand complex relationship between data by simplying it. Visuals tell story. Click below link to see sample codes Matplotlib Some common charts and its description Reference:

Bite Sized Learning: Pandas Basics

Pandas Basics What is Pandas? Pandas is an open source library Easy-to-use data structures & data analysis tools Pan el Da ta S ystem Built on top of Numpy Flexible data manipulation capabilities of Spreadsheets and Relational databases Sophisticated indexing functionality Slice, dice, perform aggregations, select etc. Click below link to acess the  Sample Jupyter Notebook Pandas Cheat Sheet: