
Showing posts from September, 2020

Data Science Books & Materials

 Data Science Books & Materials Image Source: UC Berkeley Data science: Data science is the practice of analysing raw data through a wide variety of disciplines and expertise areas to produce a holistic view and predict uncertainity. What can data science be used for? Anomaly detection (transaction fraud, disease, faulty sensor etc.) Classifications (spam detection) Forecasting (sales, revenue and customer retention) Pattern detection (weather patterns, financial market patterns, etc.) Recognition (facial, voice, text, etc.) Recommendations (recommend a movie, hotel etc.) Below are some of the useful / free books & materials that I collected from various online sources. it will be useful if you are looking to transition into data science field. Introduction to Data Science Data Science from Scratch Data Science for Business - Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett Data Analytics Data Cleaning Data Engineering Data Science Statistics Cheatsheet Data Science  - Algorithms-Handout Wha

Data Storytelling - Part 3

 Data Storytelling - Part 3 Data Storytelling =  (Context + Audience + Visual) * Narrative Video Tutorial

Project Management Fundamentals-2_Scrum

AGILE SHIFT - SCRUM Scrum framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value. Scrum is Lightweight Simple to understand Difficult to master Detailed Video Tutorial of Scrum Basics

Project Management Fundamentals-1_Prince2

AGILE SHIFT - PRINCE2 AGILE You will learn the following after going through below video and document Why Agile? Emerging Trends What is Agile? Prince 2 Agile - Basics Video Tutorial Quick Walkthrough Prince2 Agile:

Statistics for Data Science - All in one place

 Statistics for Data Science - All in one place The purpose of this is to provide an list of statistics materials needed to start your data science journey. Statistics can be a powerful tool when performing the art of Data Science. It provides deeper insights about data. Below I have compiled some list of books/materials on statitics for data science Practical Statistics for Data Science All about Statistics and Probability How to Lie with Statistics Statistics for EDA in Python Probability Cheatsheet Cartoon Guide to Statistics My Statistics Guide 1 What to learn? Where to Look? Advanced Statistics Learn R for Applied Statistics_ With Data Visualizations, Regressions, and Statistics Business Statistics Statistics for people who hate statistics Statistical Analysis with Excel For Dummies 3rd Edition Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis Statistical and Machine-Learning - Techniques for Better Predictions Learner's Guide to Big Numbers Statistics and

Data Storytelling - Part 2

 Data Storytelling Video Link

All in One Cheat Sheets - Python

All in One Cheat Sheets - Python Here is compiled list of all cheat sheets related to Python. All these cheat sheets were collected from various sources and compiled in one place to benefit all Note: This page will be updated with new cheat sheets and guides wehenever available Python Beginners Cheat Sheets All Lists Dictionaries If-While Loop Functions Classes File and Exception Handling Code Testing Libraries Numpy Pandas_1 Pandas_2 Pygame Matplotlib Seaborn Plotly Bokeh Django Scikit Scikit_1 Scikit_2 SciPy Keras_1 Keras_2 Python for DS PySpark SQL PySpark RDD Spacy Jupyter Notebook NumPy_SciPy_Pandas_Quandl Data Mining & Machine Learning Cheat Sheet Guides: Visualization Guide_1 Visualization Guide_2 Python Loops Guide Python Data Structures Guide DS for Business Leaders P.S. Google Drive Link

ML 8 - Polynomial Regression

 Machine Learning Part VIII Polynomial Regression Sample Code Video Tutorial