
Python Turtle Package

 Python Turtle Package “Turtle” is a python feature like a drawing board, which lets you command a turtle to draw all over it! You can use functions like turtle.forward(...) and turtle.left(...) which can move the turtle around. It was part of the original Logo programming language developed by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon in 1967 Short Tutorial

Data Viz Guide - Part 1

 Data Viz - Part 1

Machine Learning Part 11 - Feature Selection

Machine Learning Part 11 - Feature Selection Feature Selection

Data Science Interview Questions

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ML Part 10 - Time Series Forecasting Basics

 Time Series Forecasting - Basics PDF:

Project Management Fundamentals - Six Sigma

 Six Sigma Basics PDF: SPC Made Easy: Referenced from Qi Macros

Machine Learning - Books & Materials

 Machine Learning - Books & Materials Why does it matter? With industry 4.0 transformation domain knowledge along with machine learning skills will present a killer combination What is Machine Learning? If you search internet you will end up getting hundreds of courses, mathematical theorems or hi-fi corporate jargons and stories about artificial intelligence, fascinating data science and dream jobs of future Say you want to get a phone. Years back you might have visited a store compared the specifications, price, color etc. and spent hours before making a decision. However now while enjoying the comfort of your home you give some inputs like budget, OS, camera etc. and you see the results on internet. The field of study with one goal of turning data to intelligent action or predictions is known as “Machine Learning” Free ML Books:- ML for beginners Machine Learning For Dummies ML Intro ML By Andrew NG Math for ML Pandas_1 Introduction to Machine Learning with Python Machine learni